What kind of patient injury insurance do you have?

This article is written from a Swedish perspective but hopefully can inspire those interested in other countries.

Do you inform your residents that you have patient injury insurance? It is important to note that each application for compensation is assessed individually and clear evidence is required to prove that the patient injury is a result of inadequate care or malpractice. Compensation can cover costs for care, rehabilitation, and possible disability. By being aware of the patient injury insurance and its possibilities, elderly care can work to improve care quality and ensure a safe and secure environment for the elderly.

Foto: Mostphotos

Patient Injury Insurance

All healthcare providers with health and medical responsibility are required to have patient injury insurance. Municipalities and county councils are often insured with the Patient Insurance LÖF, while private healthcare providers may have other insurance companies.

If there are healthcare damages that could have been avoided, the patient may have the right to compensation for the damage. In a nursing home, one can imagine that serious side effects of drugs that are not noticed, fall injuries that could have been avoided, or injuries due to misuse of medical equipment may be the damages for which the individual has the right to compensation.

Patient Injury Insurance and its significance in elderly care

Patient Injury Insurance is an important part of the care and welfare system and aims to protect both patients and staff in the event of possible healthcare damages. For elderly care, this insurance is of particular importance, as the elderly are often more vulnerable to healthcare-related injuries and complications. Here we will take a closer look at patient injury insurance and what type of healthcare damages in elderly care may be eligible for compensation.

What is Patient Injury Insurance?

Patient Injury Insurance is a national insurance administered by the County Council's Mutual Insurance Company (LÖF) and covers healthcare damages that occur in public and private care. The purpose is to provide compensation to patients who have suffered healthcare damages and to support and ensure quality improvements in healthcare.

Which healthcare damages can be relevant in elderly care?

In elderly care, there are several types of healthcare damages that may be relevant for compensation through patient injury insurance:

Fall injuries: Older people are at increased risk of falling and suffering injuries such as fractures, bruises, or concussions. If a fall injury occurs in elderly care and there is suspicion of inadequate care or supervision, this may constitute grounds for a claim for compensation.

Pressure sores: Pressure sores and pressure injuries, also known as bedsores, are common among older people who are bedridden or have reduced mobility. If pressure sores develop in a nursing home and deficiencies in preventive measures or treatment can be demonstrated, it may lead to compensation.

Medical malpractices: Incorrect medication or inadequate monitoring of medication management can lead to serious complications for older people. If a care injury occurs as a result of medical malpractices, it may be possible to apply for compensation.

Falls in connection with movement: Older people can suffer fall injuries when moving between different places, such as bed to wheelchair or chair to bed. If there are deficiencies in routines or techniques for movement that lead to injuries, this may be grounds for compensation.

Malnutrition and dehydration: Inadequate nutrition and fluid intake can lead to malnutrition and dehydration in older people. If deficiencies in dietary and meal routines in elderly care that contribute to these conditions can be demonstrated, it may be possible to receive compensation.

It is important to note that each application for compensation is assessed individually and that clear evidence is required that the care injury is a consequence of inadequate care or malpractice. Compensation may cover costs for care, rehabilitation, and potential disability. By being aware of patient injury insurance and its possibilities, elderly care can work to improve the quality of care and ensure a safe and secure environment for the elderly.

Care staff:
- Are you aware that the operation has a patient injury insurance?
- Have you had any injury that might need to be compensated?
- Has the resident and relatives been informed that there is insurance?

Manager, nurse, occupational therapist, and physiotherapist:
- Do you have routines to inform about patient insurance in connection with care injuries in the unit?
- Have you had any resident who has reported damage to the insurance company?
- Do you have any information material about your patient injury insurance?

Resident and relatives:
- Did you know that there is a patient injury insurance?
- Have you had any care injuries that could have entitled to compensation?

Erland Olsson
Specialist Nurse
Better care every day.

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